The Team
- Colle + McVoy: Dustin Black, John Neerland, John Borchardt
- Pop Up Post: Carrie Shanahan, editor
- Nice Shoes: Oscar Oboza, colorist
- Volt: Steve Medin, online
- Rumble: Greg Geitzenauer, mix
- VO talent: Adam Ridgeway
- "Winter Couples" track: "Crawl Out" by The Blind Shake
- "Winter Family" track: "Unbroke" by Black Diet
- Colle + McVoy: Dustin Black, John Neerland, John Borchardt
- Pop Up Post: Carrie Shanahan, editor
- Nice Shoes: Oscar Oboza, colorist
- Volt: Steve Medin, online
- Rumble: Greg Geitzenauer, mix
- VO talent: Adam Ridgeway
- "Winter Couples" track: "Crawl Out" by The Blind Shake
- "Winter Family" track: "Unbroke" by Black Diet