Natural elements for added interest and pine shavings. Bye bye, puppy pads! The warming lamp is off, too. Just a week or two until they're in their coop outside. Elvo's Barred Rock speckles are really started to show, and Tik-Tok's comb is growing quickly. It's surprisingly wobbly rather than stiff.
Van Halen is a Black Australorp rocker and she likes to party. She's always up to something- likes to jump and is highly photogenic. If Van Halen's around, a good time will be had by all!
Gopher likes to go under anything she can go under. Best friend to Tik-Tok, she is the guardian of the clock. Tik-Tok rules the clock and Gopher guards it. She's always a little dirty and is known for her goofy eye and blackish stripe along the shoulder. Gopher's awesome.
This is Elvo. A Barred Rock, she's really brave and gets along with all the other chicks. She's named Elvo because she likes to stretch a lot and get elevated on the feeder.
AuthorMies is a fourth grader who loves chickens. So we figured- why not get some while we're distance learning? Welcome to science class. ArchivesCategories |